Try Events Policies
The dry, boring, but important stuff we need to mention
— just making sure only the safe, fun stuff happens!
This is the Registration Waiver participants agree to during the registration process.
Please read the following documents carefully:
*If you are sick make sure you have clearance to race.
General Policies
1. Age Restrictions: Our race registration Age Policy requires that as of race day, registered participants must be 18yrs or older, all Half Marathon participants must be 16yrs or older; all 5km, 10km and 7miler participants must be 13yrs or older to compete on their own.
Any participant under the age of 13 must be accompanied by a guardian and all participants under the age of 18 must have guardian approval.
This policy follows international standards, has been informed by our external medical advisers, and is in place for the safety of participants. Parents/guardians must sign the Letter of Authorization for participants aged 16-19 and parents/guardians are urged to ensure that young runners have the training and pace judgement needed to complete the event comfortably and safely. Event organizers reserve the right to require proof of age.
2. Prohibited Items: The use of strollers, bicycles, inline skates, pets, and elite pacing are strictly prohibited. The right to disqualify runners who fail to comply with these regulations is at the sole and exclusive decision of TRY EVENTS.
3. iPods/MP3 players/headphones: For the runner’s safety, music devices are prohibited. There is no risk of disqualification for simple use; however, if a runner puts themselves or other runners at risk through an unsafe act that event officials determine was caused directly or indirectly through the use of a prohibited item, the runner may be disqualified.
4. Pacing Requirement: The Marathon has a course time limit of 5 hours, and the Half Marathon has a course time limit of 3 hours, except in the Boundary Bay Marathon where the Half Marathon course has a time limit of 5 hours. To ensure the safety of our participants, the City of Vancouver requires the races to follow a rolling closure/open protocol, which means that the roads will NOT be closed for the entire duration of the races.
Participants must maintain an 8-minute per kilometre pace (approximately) and complete the course distance – Start Line to Finish Line – within the event time requirement. After 3 gentle reminders, any participants still out on course after the cut-off times will be asked to remove their bibs and will no longer receive support from the event. A sweep vehicle will be available for pick up if necessary.
5. Course Hours: Please see the specific race event for course hours at
6. Course Availability: The event is restricted and limited to registered participants only.
* Please Note: all fees are in Canadian dollars.
Registration Policy
No Refunds with Try Events - Sorry, no refunds on entry fees.
(You can purchase 3rd party registration insurance during the registration process)Deferrals – Sorry, deferrals are not available. You can downgrade to a shorter race while race numbers last.
Transfers – Sorry, registration transfers are not available. A person running in your place with a different gender or a different age group can lead to errors in the results, and deny legitimate winners of their justly won prizes. Also, in the event of an accident or medical condition, wrong information may have serious consequences. If you are unable to run, you can still pick up your race shirt (if you registered prior to posted deadline), at the announced Race Package pickup dates, times and locations specific to each event at .
Note: there will be no post-Race Package pickup.Downgrades - There are no refunds associated with downgrades. Downgrades can be made online through your confirmation email, click “edit profile” and go through the changes and saving steps.
Upgrade - You will pay the difference in fee from the time you registered. For example, if you paid $60 for the Half Marathon when you registered and want to upgrade to the Marathon after Sept. 15, which costs $70, you will pay $10.00. Upgrades can be made online through your confirmation email, click edit profile and go through the changes, saving steps and making payment.
(Note: Participants will not be able to upgrade to events that are sold out).
Refund Policy
It is a TRY EVENTS policy that no refund of entry fees will be issued nor will any transfer be made to other events. It is the responsibility of the entrant to pick up their Race Package from registration. Race Packages will not be mailed prior to or after the event. After the event has started race swag may not be available, and prior to the event are available on a "first-come, first-served" basis.
For Legal and Liability reasons Runners cannot offer their unused bib to any other runner. Runners are not allowed to defer their unused entry to the following year.
Rules of Competition
Participants must stay within course boundaries, as designated by officials, marshals’ traffic cones, barriers, and other markings, at all times. Failure to do so may result in disqualification and ineligibility for future TRY EVENTS events.
Participant bib numbers must be fully visible at all times on the front of the body.
Participants are advised not to invite anyone not officially registered for the event to join in any part of the race. Any runners not officially registered for the event will be given one warning before the Police will be advised, and the runner will be removed from the course.
TRY EVENTS reserves the right to disqualify any individual from TRY EVENTS events. This disqualification may be based on, but is not limited to, all race policies; unsportsmanlike conduct; competing with an unofficial bib number; competing with an official bib number assigned to another person; transferring or attempting to transfer an official bib number, or to obtain such bib number, from another person; being paced during the race by a person not entered in the race; accepting assistance from non-race participants; crossing the finish line without having completed the entire course; and providing false information on the race entry form. Individuals disqualified from a race will be removed from the race results and may be barred from future events.
Need more information or further assistance? Contact
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