Below are a few answers to some questions that may help you and help us save some time spent on emails so we can focus on getting ready for the next race! If your question was not answered, we will do our best to reply within 48 hours.
To keep up to date on all new race details please refer to the event page regularly as we update with changes as they come up. Go to https://www.tryevents.ca/ and click on your race name or logo. The page will open and you can scroll down to view all the details. Remember we reserve the right to make changes as necessary, so it's important to check in a few times before your race. We will also post updates on our Facebook page & through Twitter.
Want to volunteer?
FANTASTIC!!! https://www.tryevents.ca/volunteer and let us know which race you would like to volunteer with.
*Remember between events we do not have staff to manage emails but will do our best to get back to you and secure your help. :)
Elite Runners
Sorry we do not have an elite runner program and we can not invite runners from outside Canada to join our races.
Looking for savings information? Age and group savings available — Try Events
Best thing to do is register during early bird and purchase the registration insurance if it fits your needs.
Here is a link to our registration policies, there are no refunds, no transfers and no deferrals. However, you can change your distance. Changing your distance may be a good option if you need to walk due to an injury or need to switch to a shorter distance to open your scheduling obstacle. https://www.tryevents.ca/policies
* It is a TRY EVENTS policy that no refund of entry fees will be issued, nor will any transfer be made to other events. It is the responsibility of the entrant to pick up their Race Package from registration. Race Packages will not be mailed prior to or after the event. After the event has started event swag may not be available, and prior to the event are available on a "first-come, first-served" basis. ENTRY FEES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE AND NON-DEFERRABLE UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES.
It’s time to enter the world of convenience, NO MORE KIT PICKUP
*but don’t worry you will still get sponsoring store deals when available, just enjoy them on your schedule. Save time, Save Money, and lower your race waste! Check out your Reusable Kit below. Learn more, Reusable Race Kits now available! — Try Events
Package Pick-up
Can friends or family pick up your race kit for you?
YES, friends and family can pick up your race kit for you and all they need to know is your full name and the bib number you were assigned.
*please bring a bag and reuse safety pins, thank you for your help to make our events zero waste.
*race kits will be brought to all the scheduled days within the time slots found on the package pick up details of the race you are registered for. You can collect from any of these locations. On-line selection is used for planning, but if you have a change in your availability you can move to another option.
Can't make it to the pre-race pickup times or just don't want to drive into town twice then you can sign up for the same-day pick-up service, there is a $5 donation to our charity partner for this service. We would prefer you pick up your race kit before race day but here is an option if you want.
*You will need to arrive at least 45minutes early on race morning and go to the TRY EVENTS table.
*Once the race starts all left over supplies that have not been picked up will be available for size exchanges, for sale and/or donated. We do not mailout packages and race kits are not available after the event so please arrange to collect your kit or have someone collect for you.
Switching Distances, this MUST be done before on-line registration closes.
*On-line can close early if the race fills up.
How do I transfer my registration? – How can we help you? (raceroster.com)
Will there be bag check?
Yes, bag check will be available at the charity tent by donation
Timing Questions
If you have a timing question, please email run@tryevents.ca and we will do our best to resolve the obstacle. All timing tags are tested prior to each race so as long as you had your timing tag on your shoe and your race bib on the front of your body we should be able to find some timing data on your race.
Results, photos or videos from race day
Results are posted on our website, photos are posted on our Facebook page, https://www.facebook.com/tryevents.ca and videos are posted on our YouTube channel.
Still have your timing tag?
Please mail it back to
*New mailing address for timing tags,
3050 Edgemont Blvd
PO Box 75591
North Vancouver, BC
RPO Edgemont Village
Race Roster
Questions or obstacle with your race roster profile or registration please email: director@raceroster.com
Did you purchase registration coverage through Race Roster (This is not a Try Events product or have any relation to Try Events at all)
Need to submit a claim for coverage? Please email, director@raceroster.com
A helpful guide here to help you navigate your, Managing my Race Roster registration refund protection – How can we help you?
Sponsor Opportunities
*We currently have openings for branding partners, which is perfect for local charities looking for an event they can call "theirs" but leaving all the organizing and costs to TRY EVENTS!
Thank you again for your support.
If the above has not answered your question, email Mitchell@tryevents.ca. We will do our best to get back to you within 24/hrs.
Make a Run for It!
Enjoy your Event!
Try Events